Curtis Grant- R.I.P.

Curtis was the original guitarist for American Heartbreak. He played on What You Deserve and Postcards From Hell. He died today after a long fight with cancer. He was only 39 years old.

My heart sinks and I will miss him very much. He was a good guy and a true friend. Words can’t begin to express the sadness I feel right now.

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Rock and Roll Geek Show 227- Boston,RIP

Another live streaming show.

Brad Delp R.I.P.
Eddie Van Halen in Rehab
New Segment- ‘Guess The Washed Up 80’s Hair Metal Band Who Reformed and Put Out A New Record’
Listener Concert Review from Chuck The Rock and Roll Hoosier (Call in with your concert review 706-621-ROCK)
Listening with Butler – Hot Pistol
I am going to South By Southwest
Thanks to Go Daddy for sponsoring the show. Use Promo Codes rock1 rock2 rock3 to save big money.

Boston Purchase on iTunes
Hot Pistol
Cheap Trick Purchase on iTunes
The Mochines


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Rock and Roll Geek Show 226- Skyhooks Interview

An Interview with Greg Macainsh from Skyhooks.

This was a band I loved when I was a kid. They were huge in Australia and they are virtually unknown in the States.


Official Skyhooks Website


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