Saturday Live Show will be on Sunday at Noon PST

In the early days of doing my show, I used to do a live show on Sundays in the daytime. I remember them being a lot of fun so instead of doing a Saturday night show, I am going to try a daytime show on Sunday at 12 noon PST. If you can join me, that would be great. Maybe we can do a Listening With Butler segment together.

Rock And Roll Geek Special Simulcast Interview with April Wine

My friend Brent from Podshow Radio asked me to interview Miles Goodwyn from April Wine with him. I was a fan in the days of my youth so I said yes. It is also up on Brent’s site. This was recorded by him.







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Rock and Roll Geek Show 224 Rockstar Supernova Live Bootleg


Rockstar Supernova Concert Review
Alice Cooper/Cheap Trick Concert Review from Dave Criddle
Guns n Roses Leaked Song
Wildhearts UK Tour Dates


Rose Tattoo
Rose Tattoo

GnR Leak

Alice Cooper Butchering the Beatles


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