Rock and Roll Quote

“Rock ‘n Roll is the most brutal, ugly, desperate, vicious form of expression it has been my misfortune to hear.”

_Frank Sinatra

Indiecast Streaming show on Tuesday

Jasper from the Plan Nine Rock Show will be joining me Tuesday for an Indiecast. We will be streaming the show live around 7 pm PST. We will also have a chatroom going. Here are the Chatroom instructions

Here is the link to the Stream:

Rock and Roll Geek Show Stream(This is a Live 365 Stream and should provide the least buffering )

You can also open up this URL in whatever music player you use:

Rock and Roll Geek Show 165- Axl Rose and The 15 year old Guitarist

This is an extra long show (I apologize ) and I almost lost my voice several times.


Guns and Roses Show Report with John and Mark from Talking Metal
Drinking to the beer fund donations
Butler’s Babes- Thanks to Jon and Jodie from He Said She Said Podcast for the naked photo
Matt Mehm- 15 year old Guitar Whiz Kid
Ginger CD Contest Winner
Griffin Ear Thumps Winners
Audio Comments
Podshow Concert
Listening with Butler- Slowvein
Cheap Trick on Conan and Youtube
Listener Emails
RnR Geek on CBC
Earthling Challenge
The Mike Douglas Show
Thanks to Joe Klein from the Podcast Voice Guys for the show open.


Osaka Pop Star
Crystal Pistol


Click Here for mp3 podcast-u2.gif


Rock and Roll Geek Show 164- Driving With Butler to the Air Guitar Championships

Driving With Butler to Live coverage of The U.S. Air Guitar Championships


Click Here for mp3 podcast-u2.gif
