Pete Wells – RIP

ROSE TATTOO guitarist Pete Wells passed away today after a long battle with prostate cancer. The 58-year-old guitarist, who was diagnosed with cancer in 2002, had been undergoing treatment, which had caused him to stand aside from touring with ROSE TATTOO.

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I reposted an interview I did with him a year ago for you to hear. This guys was one of the greatest slide players of all time, in my opinion, and a class act.

Click Here for mp3 podcast-u2.gif

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Message Board is Down

Some prick hacked my message board and it is down, hopefully temporarily. I know nothing about databases so I have to take a crash course. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it.

Rock and Roll Geek Show 153

The No Edit Rock Show


Listener emails and audio comments
Cheap Trick World Premiere
American Heartbreak tour dates
Listening with Butler- Moxie

Manitoba’s Wild Kingdom
American Heartbreak
The Sweet Buy on iTunes Sweet


Click Here for mp3 podcast-u2.gif

Sunday Stream?

I am THINKING of streaming the show tomorrow. Look for me on AIM. My id is Petewayismydad1. If I am up there then I will be doing a live show around 1PM PST. There will be an AIM chat room called rnrgeek.

Here is the link to the Stream:

Rock and Roll Geek Show Stream(This is a Live 365 Stream and should provide the least buffering )

Here is the iTunes playlist that you download to listen to the stream:
Download itunes playlist

You can also open up this URL in whatever music player you use: