
Originally uploaded by Michael Butler.

I am at the NAMM show in Anaheim, CA.
This place is like disneyland for musicians. I have gotten a ton of ids from aging rock stars.

Click the photo to see more photos

Rock and Roll Geek Show 135


* [ ] Macworld
* [ ] Starz show on Bittorrent-Thanks John Fisher for sending it
– [ ] Dube’s house burned down
– [ ] Drink a toast to Ben Blundell
– [ ] Drink a Toast To Julio Gonzales
* [ ] Birthdays
* [ ] Deaths:
* [ ] Music News
* [ ] Whole Internet Guide to Podcasting and Internet Audio:
– [ ] Frappr


Frankenstein 3000

Cheap Trick
Special One


Alice Cooper
Alice Cooper


Click Here for mp3 podcast-u2.gif

Sunday Stream

Once again, I am planning on streaming the show on Sunday around 12 noon PST. I hope you can join me.

There will be an AIM chat room called rnrgeek

Here is the link to the Stream:

Rock and Roll Geek Show Stream(This is a Live 365 Stream and should provide the least buffering )

Here is the iTunes playlist that you download to listen to the stream:
Download itunes playlist

You can also open up this URL in whatever music player you use: