Rock and Roll Geek Show 8/21/05 repost

Punk Rock Freestyle Sunday

On this show I just talk about whatever comes to mind. I tell about interviews that are in the can and coming soon.
Also, I talk about my daughter Martina’s new podcast and website
There is a new contest for a Ped2 from

Dee Dee King
Rose Tattwho?

Click Here for mp3podcast-u2.gif

Help a brother out

I got this email from my friend Aron from Parking in Bitterman Circle:

`I hope you all can take some time out of your busy day to help me with something important. My friend Michael Brecker the sax player is in the hospital with MDS (myelodysplastic syndrome) which is life threatening. He’s now been in for 2 months and is very ill. It can be treated by bone marrow transplant and stem cell treatment. I just completed a podcast on it and have a link at bitterman circle which links to his site with detailed information. This is a call to the podcasting community to get people to get their blood tested and registered to help Michael and others with situations similar to his. I’m not asking for money, I’m asking to spread the word. Here are the links:

We can really help people with this little thing of ours… let’s do it right away.

Thank you in advance,


Photos from the Ted Nugent Interview

Photos from the L.A. Rockstar INXS trip

Rockstar INXS Michael Butler’s Rockstar INXS photoset