8 thoughts on “Rock and Roll Geek Indie Cast #16

  1. jeesh, your office space reminds me of the time i took a job as payroll administrator with a big money, hoity-toity satellite communications company and they stuck me in a corner beside the coffee machine and water cooler.
    sure hope Bloom & Curry will soon spend a little of the investment $$$ to get you a better/more comfy/more professional work space 😉
    in the meantime, enjoy your new job in the commercial music biz! 🙂


  2. Actually, this was by my own choice. I could have found space in the main room but being the new guy, I am kind of hiding out in the corner. They are moving to a bigger office space but it is still under construction. Then I will hopefully have a desk if I make it that long.

  3. 🙂 you’ll make it that long, Michael…. besides being a rock-and-roll geek, your modesty, self-deprecation and sarcasm is part of the reason we all luv ya… probably, your chosen bosses included. adds a sort of balance to the office, i’m sure 😉

  4. Why do you have to talk over the songs, either before they start or before they’re finished?

  5. Hey Michael,

    Congrats on the new job. I hope you will still have time to make your podcasts and record with AH. I know I’m selfish, but I would miss it. Anyway, I think it is great that you will be gettin more bands on the podsafe music network. Podcasts have made me excited about music again. I think your other listeners would agree.

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