9 thoughts on “Rock and Roll Geek Show 100th Episode

  1. great show man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’VE HEARD 70 OF YOUR 100 EPISODES MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hey Michael,

    Congratulations on your 100th episode and for reaching such an awesome milestone.

    I know you tend to go out of your way to be modest, but I do hope you take time to really give yourself credit and be totally proud of what you have created.

    Not only do I respect you for sticking with the show and putting so much time and effort into it, but I also admire how far you’ve come. And while you’ve tweaked and improved certain things, you’ve continued to be the same quirky, unassuming and humble guy you were right from the beginning.

    Seriously, it’s been an honor and a pleasure to not only listen to you, but witness your growth and all the recognition you have gained because of it.

    So, thank you, Michael, for sharing your infectious passion for rock music, letting us live vicariously through you and for being a decent and kind human being.

    You are loved.

  3. Butler,
    Good one…I like the no-edits as they are more chaotic and like my own ‘casts! I put it on as I was going to bed here in Osaka and it kept bringing me back awake! Congrats and I’m sorry I made you cry…

  4. Michael,

    just catching up on my pods since holiday. Sorry I missed the ‘live’ distro of 100. Great show, keep up the great work you’re doing. Look forward to the next 100!

  5. Myself too. Catching up on the shows I missed! Great show! Congratulations on 100 shows!! Keep the killer Rock n’ Roll coming. It pretty cool to have listened from the beginning to now.


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